Sufi Qur'an Commentary of Khwajah 'Ubayd Allah Ahrar 

Qur'an 1:6, Guide us on the straight path

Show us the straight path, namely, enoble us 
by bestowing upon us the love of Your Essence, 
so that we will become freed from paying attention 
to our selves and other than You; then we will 
become completely preoccupied with You, 
knowing none but You and seeing none but You.  

Or, [another understanding is] show us
the straight path--namely, 
the path that consists of the relationship 
of every being to Your level of being, without 
which beings could not appear and 
without which they could not reach the 
full extent of their perfection--so that we will 
only see You in all states and will become 
freed from paying attention to other than You.

(Quoted by Kamal al-Din Husayn Kashifi, 
Mavahib-e 'aliya, Tafsir-e Husayni, 
Tehran: Iqbal, 1317/1938, p. 2--trans. A. Godlasİ1998)

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